FREE 10 count Kettlebell Routine

Nerd Of All
2 min readOct 25, 2022
FREE 10 count Kettlebell Routine

WHAT’S UP YOU NERDY SAVAGES!!!!???? I, PERSONALLY, am going to show and share today’s NEW FREE WORKOUT. And, it is a DOOSEY!!! Is that how you spell ‘doosey’? Anyone know? It’s a FREE 10 count Kettlebell Routine we will call, hm — The Jaggernaut! Perfect for anyone 50+ (I am 55!).

Anyway. To need EITHER A KETTLEBELL or A DUMBBELL (NOT your husband or boyfriend but like a weight, THAT kinda DUMBBELL)!!!

So, we have 5 movement each side, then REPEATED on the other side for a total of 10 movements. When ALL TEN movements are done, THAT IS ONE REP (yeah, I’m an asshole sometimes). Then REPEAT THAT for 3–5 reps, then REPEAT THAT for 5 sets (or 10, or 15, whatever).

Now, THIS IS NOT A BASIC ROUTINE!!!!! This is a FULL BODY KETTLEBELL routine and, it WILL smoke your body. You may not feel it today but BOY HOWDY, you will eventually. So, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!

Also, I am using a 55 pound Kettlebell. This is MY workout weight. Use WHATEVER weight YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH. Sometimes I also use a lighter kettlebell. For instance, when I do my 100 Snatch Routine (a 13 minute quick and not-so-easy morning routine for those IN A HURRY). I will post THAT in a few days. Again, USE THE WEIGHT YOU ARE COMFORTABLE WITH.

FREE 10 count Kettlebell Routine

Real quick. This was recorded in October 2021. I’ve lost about 20 pounds since then. Ask me how by filling out the form below!





Nerd Of All

I’m Eesa the Nerd of Fortune. I host a series of ‘Nerd Of…’ websites. We strive to provide up to date & authentic information. Please review my work.